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Developer Newsletter 10 min read

Build On DIMO - September 2024

September 18, 2024

Happy September, DIMO devs! There's been a lot of advancements around developer tooling for the DIMO ecosystem over the last few weeks, and this issue of Build On DIMO covers all the excitement around EthOnline finalists, as well as big SDK updates. 

🎉 ETHOnline Hackathon Highlights

ETHOnline 2024 wrapped up last Friday, September 13th, and what an event it was! As one of the sponsoring projects, DIMO was thrilled to receive over a dozen prize applications, showcasing incredible creativity and innovation in the mobility space. Over the three-week competition, over 1,500 hackers from 92 countries came together to solve problems, leveraging DIMO and other technologies.

Here’s a quick look at the standout projects and their achievements:

🚗 Most Breakthrough Mobility Solution: PredictaDrive

PredictaDrive took the top spot in the breakthrough category, earning praise for its creativity in revolutionizing insurance and car rentals. Their solution was designed to offer an insurance model by tapping into the prediction market - something truly ground-breaking that the current industry has never heard of.

🛠️ Best Car Nerd Solution: DIMOverse

For the automotive enthusiasts out there, DIMOverse piped DIMO Telemetry and Trips data to Unreal Engine and offered two games: Landmark Exploration and High Speed Racing. The two modes combined immersive visuals with real world data to create dynamic and personal gaming experiences.

🚕 Best Gig Economy Solution: ZeroCabs

The gig economy continues to grow, and ZeroCabs is prepping the world for decentralized ride-sharing. The ZeroCabs team created a platform for drivers and riders, bypassing traditional ride-hailing companies to provide more equitable pay and better services. A truly exciting project for those interested in the gig economy's future.

🌍 Most Humanitarian Solution: ZeroToHero

ZeroToHero was an interesting project, as it didn’t really focus its core offerings around DIMO data. As a waste management platform that incentivizes people around the world to report or pick up waste, ZeroToHero integrated with DIMO to calculate eco-score based on driving data. Considering fuel efficiency and trips, the solution encourages drivers to adopt more sustainable driving practices.

🏆 Team Favorite: AUTO DAO

AUTO DAO was voted as the favorite project by the DIMO team. The project in its core, focuses on tokenizing real world assets and building a marketplace around it. AUTO DAO adds in the concepts of sharing by offering splitting cost and profits in the platform is truly a DIMO team favorite.

🎇 ETHOnline Finalists: OnlyCars

Last but not least, an honorable mention to OnlyCars - one of our judges’ favorite projects. Despite not being a track winner, the completeness and usability of the OnlyCars project didn’t go unnoticed. Focused on EV charging, the project aims to make your EV chargers shareable and rentable via the decentralized network.

Winner Winner DIMO Dinner!

Each of these outstanding track winners has earned a $1,000 USD prize for their ingenuity and execution, while the finalist winner won a wide variety of prizes including swags and flight vouchers. Huge shout out to our hosts at ETHGlobal for such a successful event!

✌️ API and SDK Updates

.NET SDK for Microsoft Developers

Calling .NET developers to come build on DIMO! The DIMO team worked on releasing a .NET SDK to simplify connections to the DIMO APIs. Run a one-liner as easy as Install-Package Dimo.Client to get started.

Global Accounts Status Updates

The Global Accounts project made a huge stride forward, as our backend engineering team was able to integrate with Turnkey and ZeroDev successfully and is now offering the Global Accounts functionalities to our other internal teams. As we continue to work on rolling all the functionalities in API format out to builders, we’re also implementing Global Accounts to the DIMO Developer Console.

Be on the lookout to migrate over to a safer and better wallet experience soon 🛟

TypeScript SDK V2 Updates

The original TypeScript NodeJS SDK is undergoing some major facelift. Here’s a quick peek into the improvements we have planned, these core functionalities will all be offered through using the SDK:

  1. Mint a vehicle for an end-user as part of the vehicle onboarding process

  2. Share a vehicle with the app

  3. Submission of transactions

  4. Sponsoring of transactions through paymaster (ERC-4337)

The updates will also be rolled out to the other programming languages eventually. If you can’t wait, hit us up as we welcome open-source contributions as well 😁

Building for the Future

The DIMO Engineering team continues to work on new and meaningful initiatives for the developer community. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to support developers in building the next generation of automotive solutions.

Join the DIMO Dev Community

The DIMO dev community has never been so pumped about opportunities, join the fun in our Discord channel #build-on-dimo.

Written by: James Li Head of Developer Relations

James Li is on the DIMO Engineering team. Before DIMO, he spent 10+ years leading integration efforts for a last-mile delivery platform, a customer engagement platform for utilities, and defect inspection systems for semiconductors. James enjoys working with cutting-edge technology and working alongside creative thinkers.

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