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DIMO and The Carbon Offset Company launch carbon offsetting for everyday car usage

June 12, 2023

Have you ever wondered how much carbon your driving produces each year? It might be more than you think. Balancing concerns for the environment with practical everyday transportations needs can be a challenge. DIMO and The Carbon Offset Company have partnered to give car owners a simple way to track and then offset their personal carbon emissions through the DIMO Marketplace. You may be surprised how cost effective it is to offset your annual driving.

DIMO Insights for Personalized Carbon Offsetting

DIMO's powerful data insights can accurately predict the carbon emissions produced by specific vehicles. With this information, car owners can not only better understand their carbon footprint but also take proactive steps to reduce it. The Carbon Offset Company then uses this data to offset that carbon output in the real world by planting trees.

Tree Planting: Real World Ways to Offset Emissions

At DIMO, we believe in the power of the real world. That’s why The Carbon Offset Company's approach to carbon offsetting is so aligned with our values. The Carbon Offset Company takes a holistic and verified approach to carbon offsetting through straightforward tree planting initiatives. Tree planting projects don’t just offset carbon emissions, but they also help restore habitats and local ecosystems. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen, making them a vital part of any carbon offsetting strategy. They also act as homes and food sources for wildlife, restore watersheds, protect coasts from erosion, improve water and soil qualities and much more. Learn more about past and present projects here.

Why use The Carbon Offset Company?

In the DIMO Mobile Marketplace, DIMO users are able to see a personalized recommendation to offset emissions based on their vehicle. The ability to see emissions specific to their usage is not only an interesting insight but also a more motivating piece of data than more generic averages. Through their app, users can easily purchase their personalized offset. For anyone who’s ever struggled to balance their environmental concerns with their practical everyday transportation needs, DIMO and The Carbon Offset Company is a great solution.

Written by: Colin Knudsen Ecosystem Revenue Manager

Colin Knudsen is a car nerd at heart, and in practice. Having bought and sold upwards of 25 personal vehicles, and assisted others with 100s more, Colin is always willing to apply his immense vehicle transaction knowledge to anyone who will listen. Prior to DIMO, he built and maintained a fleet of 50+ vehicles for an automotive recall-awareness startup, and was an integral part of growing the company from 5 employees to 300 in just 18 months.

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