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DIMO Privacy Zones

February 14, 2022

A new feature to keep your data safe!  

As a user-owned IoT platform, DIMO is designed to align developers with users.

Over a series of posts here in the next couple of months, we’ll show how that is reflected in our approach to personal data privacy, and what users can expect from us as we begin to connect large IoT devices (cars) to DIMO applications.

Today (and throughout the entire test-net phase) we’re focused on building supply of connected vehicles, and any data sharing will be controlled by users and opt-in only.

This means that no data is accessed or viewed by 3rd parties, except in limited, opt-in beta testing groups that are helping us test applications on the platform; your data is fully encrypted in transit and at rest!

Privacy Zones & Geofencing

Arguably the most sensitive topic to consider when dealing with real-world assets is location data.

Today, anyone who creates an account on is given the option to create a “Privacy Fence” for their vehicle data, which abstracts their location information to a general area within the specified zones. When data is transmitted from within a user’s privacy radius, DIMO will remove the last digits of the latitude and longitude to make reading exact locations impossible.

We recommend users create a privacy fence around their neighborhood, office, or other sensitive locations they do not wish to disclose. You will still earn when you drive in these areas, and you can update them at any time.

Once applications and Mobility Data Unions are live on the DIMO platform, you'll be able to dynamically adjust your privacy zone on the fly so you can share data with apps and services that need it (but only when they need it).

For more information you can read our Privacy FAQs, where we'll post updates as we add more features and uses for data over time.

If you’re working on a data privacy project, certification, or technology we want to hear from you! You can also view our Privacy Policy here.

Written by: Andy Chatham

Andy Chatham has spent 10 years in the mobility space operating some of the largest autonomous and electric vehicle fleets, and building software used by millions of passengers. Before DIMO, he worked for Transdev managing a team of hundreds working on Waymo—Google’s self-driving car division. He’s also worked across many other domains in the mobility world, helping transit and real estate partners leverage new technologies and deploy mobility-as-a-service solutions.

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