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DIMO Podcast Activity: Ventures Podcast with Andy Chatham

September 13, 2022

In this episode of the Ventures Podcast with Will Little, Digital Infrastructure Inc's co-founder, Andy Chatham, dives into the history of DIMO, the challenges we’ve faced, and the road we are headed on now. From massive pivots in the beginning, to creating hardware amidst a global supply chain crisis, to our relationship with the data we create, Andy touches on it all.

On the topic of our relationship with data, he states:

“You need to have a trust layer…where data from these connected vehicles can by syndicated out to insurance companies, operators, the government,... and regulations can be a lot more effectively put into software rather than arbitrarily the result of an investigation or a situation. We look at what we’re building long-term as a way to enable those interactions to happen in a much more sane and rational way with the user at the center of everything rather than just being a consideration after the fact.”

For more information about what our past, and the future we’re striving to achieve, listen to the podcast below!

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Written by: Colin Knudsen Ecosystem Revenue Manager

Colin Knudsen is a car nerd at heart, and in practice. Having bought and sold upwards of 25 personal vehicles, and assisted others with 100s more, Colin is always willing to apply his immense vehicle transaction knowledge to anyone who will listen. Prior to DIMO, he built and maintained a fleet of 50+ vehicles for an automotive recall-awareness startup, and was an integral part of growing the company from 5 employees to 300 in just 18 months.

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