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The New Web3 Onramps and Products

February 3, 2023

For over a decade, Bitcoin and then crypto have generally been viewed as a way to improve upon (or replace or destroy depending on who you ask) the financial infrastructure and services of our world.

With the advent of Helium and the decentralized IoT network created through that project, it became clear that the principles embedded in the crypto world - decentralization, privacy, user-ownership - can apply to many other types of infrastructure, even that of our built environment.

What started in telecom is now touching other massive industries. Token Incentivized Physical Infrastructure Networks (TIPIN) are expanding to mapping, weather, energy, mobility, and more.

These projects are the key to bringing crypto and web3 tech to mainstream consumers. The internet did not change the world because it created new ways for users to bank and pay — it changed the way people (and actually machines) do everything. The story will replay in web3: most people will actually experience web3 tech in crypto use cases that did not exist in the last decade.

This vision is why we’re partnering with Layer3 and alongside one of the most exciting projects in the space, React. Layer3 works to educate users about novel technology and onboard them into the web3 world. With DIMO and React, those users can get their first experiment in web3 technology that can help them save money and time or explore novel uses for their mobility and energy data.

Things kickoff next week. DIMO cofounder Alex Rawitz joins Jason Badeaux (Co-Founder of React), and Mike Zajko (Co-Founder of Lattice) on Twitter Spaces to share more about this project:

Written by: Alex Rawitz Cofounder

Alex Rawitz has spent his career in and around startups in the crypto and IoT world, and is always looking to put these technologies to work making people’s lives better. Prior to DIMO, Alex worked with exchanges, defi protocols, and fintechs at Chainalysis. Before that he worked in sales at Servato, an IoT company in the telecom space. He started his career at a startup accelerator, The Idea Village, in New Orleans.

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